Natureculture book collection

2023 —


Anna Tüdős

Professional guidance:
Diána Berecz, András Zlinszky



The BALATORIUM library is a curated collection of monographs, photo albums, scientific publications, zines, tourist guides and various materials taking many different forms. At its heart, the library holds the main references relating to the ecological challenges faced by lake Balaton in Hungary. However, many of the library’s resources tell us about phenomena that spreads beyond the shorelines of Balaton: it’s resources are situated in an interconnected web of wide-ranging fields such as limnology (the study of freshwater), data visualisation, artistic research, sustainable agricultural practices, tourism, anthropology and so on. 

Why was it set up?

The aim of the library is to host a selection of material for a wide range of audiences, the general public as well as researchers interested in an ecologically informed practice. Notes and bookmarks, as well as recommendations from researchers, artists and other professionals involved in BALATORIUM helps finding the way around the library. A showcase of the print, photography and other material produced under the BALATORIUM programme is also housed in the library alongside documentation of the SLOWWALK programme series developed by the szabadonbalaton team, important references of the BALATORIUM AIR participants and the recommendations of the experts of the Balaton-friendly Garden project.

The beach library made its debut at the BALATORIUM Cultural and Ecological Weekend in August 2023, where volumes such as the Balaton Nature Guide (ed. Lajos Vörös), the Mischiefs at Lake Balaton (Miklós Rónaszegi) and extrodæsia: Encyclopaedia for a world beyond human-centredness (ed. xtro realm) were available for reading on the Örvényes beach, in the immediate vicinity of lake Balaton. The recommendations of the program’s organisers and various local and international participants were the starting point for the collection, which we are now expanding, organising and activating. 

How does it work?

Our team has developed a few options for enhanced engagement with the library material such as workshops and treasure hunt events. These are suitable for the general public, who can explore the library through creative activities such as creating collaged or stamped bookmarks, riso-printed postcards and zines. Previously, the library also hosted discussions and book presentations with authors, researchers, and artist-scientist duos.

The beach library project was conceptualised by szabadonbalaton, its realisation organised by the PAD Foundation and was supported by the VEB2023 European Capital of Culture project.

How can you access the library?

The library is currently located in Budapest and is open by appointment only. You can make an appointment via e-mail

You can also use the same address if you would like to arrange a library drop-in or workshop for an event you are organising.

I have a publication I would like to include in the library, where should I send it to?

Thank you, we are happily accepting relevant publications. Address your package to the PAD Foundation: Krúdy Gyula utca 16-18. Budapest, 1088 Hungary

If you'd like, please email us so we can contact you about your donation: